hundreds of students served since our beginning in 2003

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What We Do


Neighbors’ House provides opportunities for students to receive academic support through After School Kids Clubs. These programs take place in income-eligible housing complexes throughout DeKalb County. At After School Kids Club, the students participate in: fun games, a reading curriculum, buddy reading with adults, a devotional time, homework help, activities, and snacks. This weekly program is staffed by regular volunteers who commit to a year of service. Their commitment helps foster solid relationships between the adults and students. Our goal is that each student would feel safe, supported, cared for, and valued by our volunteers, all while receiving the academic support they may need.


summer reading vacation

Each year, Neighbors’ House provides a “Summer Reading Vacation” curriculum which is a week-long reading program that combines learning activities, games, crafts, and fun all together! The students also receive a take-home reading response journal to record their summer reading, as well as a book to keep at the end of the week. This is another program made possible by our volunteers. Summer Reading Vacations are developed around a theme and students engage in the theme during reading and activities throughout the week.

spring break reading vacation

Our newest program launched in 2019, thanks to a grant from the DeKalb County Community Foundation and the vision held by our former director, Ruth O’Donnell. Neighbors’ House partnered with a local music educator to develop a program that would engage the students in both literacy, art, and music elements. Thanks to this grant, we were able to fund the curriculum development, purchase instruments to use during the week, and provide materials for crafts, games, and other activities. We are always looking for creative ways to engage the students with those in their community and to see the potential that exists in their own future.


impact through
church partnership

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Empower Your Church to Make an Impact

why Neighbors’ House?

Many churches have a desire to truly be Jesus’ hands and feet to their community. This can take many different forms: supporting other local social services, hosting meals, giving those in need work opportunities or financial support, praying for and with community members, and sharing the Gospel.

We want you to consider Neighbors’ House as an opportunity for your church members to meet the needs of many under-served students in our area. Studies show that having trusted, committed relationships with an adult is a key component to student success. We are proud to provide a space for these relationships to flourish. Many of our volunteers have served for multiple years in the same location. You can imagine the impact this has had on the students in whom they’ve invested so much time, year after year.


site sponsorship


In an ideal scenario, Neighbors’ House partners with a local church who would “sponsor” a particular location - perhaps in their church neighborhood, area, or town. The sponsoring church would build their own group of regular volunteers to staff the program, and Neighbors’ House would provide training and materials, curriculum, resources, and support. Our vision is that churches would take ownership over their site and it would become a key ministry that the church members support.


ministry support


Another way for churches to support Neighbors’ House is to consider us a partner in the mission field. Just as a missionary raises support, Neighbors’ House also relies on financial donors to help make an impact in our community for the glory of God. Consider partnering with us on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis to ensure that our programs continue to help support student success and God-centered relationships.


Ready to help?



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