2020: A Year in Review

Whew, what a year! This year brought many changes and challenges to our regular programming and interactions with our students. It’s been easy at times to feel discouraged, disappointed, or fearful about what was to come. However, when we look back on 2020, we will mostly remember God’s grace and provision for Neighbors’ House during this time.

In January, our Board always meets for a day where we reflect on the previous year, and then vision cast and plan for the year ahead. This time, we spent a lot of time simply remembering where God provided when we were wondering what direction to take next. He guided our steps to continue fulfilling the NH mission statement in whatever ways we could.

Here are all of the ways we pivoted, adapted, and continued to serve our kids this year:

  • Delivered monthly COVID Care Packages in March, April, and May to 30 students in Reading and Homework Club. These packages had books, activities, games, snacks, and more for the kids.

  • Record amount of giving during Give DeKalb County in March. Thank you to our donors and all donors who really showed their support for non-profits all across the county!

  • Re-imagined Summer Reading Vacation for two sites, serving 20-30 students. We held a shortened outdoor program “All About Art”, which the students loved!

  • Hosted a safe After School Kids Club in September and October with 20-30 students and 8-10 volunteers at two sites. We had modified program focused on connection with the students, which continued until COVID restrictions tightened in November.

  • Positive turnout for the Giving Thanks 5K. We decided to make the race virtual in late October, and we were happy that so many people participated and chose to support NH, despite not having an in-person race. Can’t wait to be on the course in 2021, hopefully!

  • Delivered Christmas gifts to 30 students. Every year, we deliver a wrapped book and activity/game to the students for Christmas. Thanks to some generous donors, we were able to “level up” our gifts this year to include Usborne books, hot chocolate kits, card games, fun pens, and more.

We’re looking forward to what 2021 will bring, and are hopeful for our students and families that our programs might return to some normalcy. Regardless, 2020 certainly taught us to rely on God and trust His leading!

Neighbors' House