Dream It, Build It SRV

It’s that time of year again… We’re wrapping up our school year program and making big plans for our Summer Reading Vacation! After such a strange year of modified programs, months-long pauses for COVID measures and cold weather, and just a different type of After School Club, we’re ready for some FUN this summer!

This year’s SRV theme is “Dream It, Build It”. Our kiddos will be reading texts all about engineering, building, creating, and thinking outside the box. There will be buddy reading, crafts, snacks, and daily LEGO building time too. We think this theme is sure to be a hit with our active and creative students!

Our SRV is held at multiple locations each summer, and we’re excited to connect with students both from our After School Kids Club and others that we don’t typically see during the year. As always, our devoted volunteers keep this program running smoothly and do the most important work — making connections with the kids. We are looking forward to connecting with so many more students this year after our 2020 SRVs were pretty limited during stricter COVID measures.

Dream it… build it…. Summer, here we come!

Neighbors' House